Pompeo Pontone

Pompeo Pontone

Biografia Executive Manager

Da 25 anni nel mondo della finanza, Pompeo Pontone è un investitore specializzato e consulente professionista nei settori dell'Investment Management e del Capital Markets. Con esperienze in Unicredit, Pioneer Investments, Intesa Asset Management, Fineco Asset Management, BMPS e altri operatori finanziari specializzati, ha acquisito forti competenze in economia finanziaria, finanza quantitativa, econometria e processi stocastici di ottimizzazione dei portafogli di investimento. Nel tempo si è specializzato nel trading dei derivati finanziari, oltre ad essere attivo in investimenti in Private Equity, FinTech e Blockchain, grazie ad un forte interesse per la tecnologia e in special modo per l'informatica, con buone conoscenze della programmazione, in particolar modo dei linguaggi Java e Python.
Pompeo Pontone si laurea con lode in Economia Monetaria e Finanziaria presso l'Università Bocconi di Milano e nel 1998 perfeziona i suoi studi al Birkbeck College dell'Università di Londra, dove consegue il Master of Science in Finanza Quantitativa. La sua carriera inizia nel 1995 nel ruolo di analista di ricerca presso la sede londinese della società americana Stone & McCarthy Research Associates. Nel 1996 è a Milano, dove è Fixed Income Analyst presso l'Ufficio Studi di Unicredit, dove partecipa anche a diverse pubblicazioni ("Italian Treasury Bond Guide" e "Investment Strategies: Financial Newsletter").
Due anni dopo, dopo è a Dublino, con la nomina a Vice President e Senior Fund Manager di Pioneer Investments, società specializzata nella gestione di fondi di investimento. Nel 1999 è Director - CoHead of Credit Portfolios & Asset Management per Intesa Asset Management (oggi Eurizon - Intesa San Paolo), nel 2001 Managing Director - Head of Corporate Bonds & Credit Derivatives Asset Management presso Fineco Asset Management e dal 2002 al 2010 Managing Director - Head of Corporate Bonds & Credit Derivatives Proprietary Trading nella sede londinese di BMPS. Sempre a Londra, ricopre il ruolo di Managing Director - Head of Alternative Investments and Asset Management per ALTIAM - Amstel Securities LLP fino al 2011 e l'anno dopo quello di Senior Financial Advisor per la Method Investments & Advisory Ltd.

Pompeo Pontone
Consulente finanziario

Altra lingua

Pompeo Pontone is a professional investment specialist and financial consultant with over 20 years of experience in the world of finance, with a focus on Investment Management and Capital Markets. He currently works as an investment consultant and investor specialist in the field of quantitative finance, financial derivatives trading and Data Science, applying his skills in financial economics, stochastic modelling, econometrics and applied mathematics. He is as well active in projects concerning FinTech, Blockchain and Private Equity.
He graduated with honours in Economics from the Bocconi University in Milan in 1994, and continued his studies in the United Kingdom, where he received a Master of Science in Quantitative Finance from the Birkbeck College, University of London. Furthermore, he attended the "Mathematical Finance: Contingent Claims Pricing in Continuous Time" course at the University of Florence.
After starting his career working as a Research Analyst at Stone & McCarthy Research Associates in 1995, Pompeo Pontone served as a Fixed Income Analyst at Unicredit in Milan, where he moved in 1996. In Unicredit he contributed as well to "The Italian Treasury Bond Guide" and "Investment Strategies: Financial Newsletter" publications. In 1998 he moved to Dublin and joined Pioneer Investments, a firm specializing in investment funds management, where he held the position of Vice President and Senior Fund Manager. After this experience, in 1999 he joined Intesa Asset Management (known today as Eurizon - Intesa San Paolo), holding the role of Director - Co-Head of Credit Portfolios & Asset Management. He continued his career in the financial field, holding positions at the top management of investment institutions. From 2001 to 2002 he was Managing Director - Head of Corporate Bonds & Credit Derivatives Asset Management at Fineco Asset Management and from 2002 to 2010 he held the role of Managing Director - Head of Corporate Bonds & Credit Derivatives Proprietary Trading of BMPS in London. Between 2010 and 2012 he continued his career in London, where he first joined ALTIAM - Amstel Securities LLP, serving as a Managing Director - Head of Alternative Investments and Asset Management, and then Method Investments & Advisory Ltd, where he held the position of Senior Financial Advisor.
Pompeo Pontone is passionate about Computer Science and Data Science, and developed professional skills in programming (Java, Python), technology, and cyber security. He holds a Day Skipper (Sail & Motor) License, and is a PADI Certified Dive Master.


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